
Note: h! is the default prefix, and it can be changed if you want. If you don't know the prefix in x server, just ping the bot!

Miscellaneous / Admin

Command Description Usage & Aliases
botstats Returns some bot's information h!botstats
bs | botstat
help Sends a list of all the commands h!help
invite Sends an invitation link to add the bot to your servers h!invite
nick Change your nickname in this server! (You must link your account to the bot first) Doesn\'t work with users who have got roles above this bot\'s role in the role hierarchy or server owners. Games supported at the moment: Guild Rank (guild), Network Level (network), Rank (rank) and BW (bw or bedwars). h!nick gamemode/guild rank
setprefix Change the bot's prefix (works with whitelisted roles (check below) and users with ADMINISTRATOR permission.) h!setprefix newprefix
prefix | setprefix
ignore Toggle the use of commands in certain channels (works only with whitelisted roles (check below) and users with the ADMINISTRATOR permission) h!ignore #channel
whitelist Toggle roles allowed to change prefix and ignore channels (only users with ADMINISTRATOR permission can use this command) h!whitelist @role
stats Sends a list of all the Hypixel stats commands h!stats
suggestion Send a suggestion or report an error you found! h!suggestion (SUGGESTION)
suggestion | suggest
support Sends an invitation link to join the support server h!support
upvote Vote for us! h!upvote
upvote | vote

Vanilla Minecraft Commands

Command Description Usage & Aliases
achievement Generate a random achievement! h!achievement achievement description
available Checks if a username is already taken! h!available username
cape Show someone's Optifine or Mojang cape (Usernames must be case-sensitive. Will send only one cape. Prioritizes Mojang capes over Optifine.) h!cape username
head Show someone's head and the command to get it in-game! h!head username
history Show someone's username change history! h!history username
server Show basic info of a server h!server serverAddress
sv | si | server
skin Steal someone's skin! h!skin username
uuid Get someone's unique identifier! h!uuid username

Hypixel Guild Commands

Command Description Usage & Aliases
daily Guild's Daily GXP Earners leaderboard h!daily guildname (or -p username)
guild Guild's basic stats h!guild guildname (or -p username)
guild | guilds
guildcompare Compare two guild's basic stats h!guildcompare guildname, guildname
guildcompare | gc
list Get a guild's member list! h!list guildname (or -p username)
weekly Guild's Weekly GXP Earners leaderboard h!weekly guildname (or -p username)

Hypixel Player Commands

Command Description Usage & Aliases
hypixel Sends back user's network profile and guild member statistics h!h username
hypixel | n | h | network
friends Player's Friend list h!friends username
fl | friendlist | friends
arcade Player's arcade stats h!arcade username
bedwars Player's Bedwars stats h!bedwars username
bw | bedwars | bedwar
blitz Player's Blitz Survival Games stats h!hg username
hg | blitz | hungergames
buildbattle Player's Build Battle stats h!buildbattle username
bb | buildbattle
copsncrims Player's Cops and Criminals stats h!copsncrims username
cc | copsncrims
crazywalls Player's Crazy Walls stats h!crazywalls username
cw | crazywalls
duels Player's Overall Duels stats (see below for game-specific) h!duels username
dd | duels | duelsProfile
bridges Player's Bridges h!bridges username
megawalls Player's Mega Walls stats h!megawalls username
mw | megawalls
member Player's in-guild stats h!member username
murdermystery Player's Build Battle stats h!murdermystery username
mm | murdermystery
paintball Player's Paintball stats h!paintball username
pb | paintballwarfare | pw | paintball
quake Player's Quake stats h!quake username
skyblock Player's Skyblock stats h!skyblock username
sb | skyblock
skyclash Player's Skyclash stats h!skyclash username
sc | skyclash
skywars Player's Skywars stats h!skywars username
sw | skywars | skywar
smashheroes Player's Super Smash Heroes stats h!smashheroes username
sh | smashheroes
speeduhc Player's Mega Walls stats h!speeduhc username
thepit Player's Pit stats h!thepit username
pit | thepit
tntgames Player's TNT Games stats h!tntgames username
tnt | tntgames
thewalls Player's The Walls stats h!thewalls username
walls | thewalls
vampirez Player's VampireZ stats h!vampirez username


Hypixel Stats Hypixel Stats

Hey there! As you may have noticed, this is the webpage for a Discord Bot whose intended use is directed towards Minecraft Players with some special features for Hypixel players as well. This bot was developed using discord.js v12.2.0, and development began late June of 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The bot has been built upon the commands that Hypixel Bot (developed by Ice) had. Due to its discontinuation, I decided to build one myself.

Why Hypixel Stats

· Hypixel Stats has been developed on discord.js v12.2.0, which maximizes customizability, making it much easier to add new commands and debug others (in case there are errors).
· The bot has been designed to be user-friendly, mainly focused on making numbers easier to see and shortening response times.
· Our bot caches almost every response (username to and from uuid queries), making the bot's responses much faster.
· We now support almost every gamemode (currently 21).
· The bot supports guild querying as well, making every user able to review guilds, guild members, guild GXP leaderboards, and last but not least, the option to compare two guilds!
· Users are able to link their Discord Accounts (as long as they've linked it on Hypixel as well) to the bot, making the bot's responses even faster.
· We allow users to customize the bot's prefix and ignored channels. These two commands are only enabled for whitelisted roles (yes, another command! this one can only be used by users with the ADMINISTRATOR permission) and users with the ADMIN permission.
· There is an easy-to-use suggestion command which allows every user to report an error or send a suggestion with ease.
· Eye-catching and easy to read responses.